
銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

鋼結構與U型玻璃的應用 Application of steel structure and U - shaped glass

工廠(chǎng)廠(chǎng)房的建設走過(guò)了木材、粘土磚到混凝土結構的歷程。當今發(fā)展的趨勢是什么?我們以為是鋼結構與U型玻璃的組合。是21世紀的“綠色建筑” 。




與此同時(shí),大型鋼結構的廠(chǎng)房建筑得到了催生,如寶鋼,鞍鋼,武鋼,首鋼等。到2004年后,鋼結構建筑的用鋼量達萬(wàn)噸1350萬(wàn)噸,約占全年鋼產(chǎn)量的4.6%或更多。這里值得一提的是2008年的奧運場(chǎng)館建設,如“鳥(niǎo)巢” ,“水立方” ,以及國家大劇院和央視新臺等建筑為世人矚目。






所謂輕鋼結構是指以焊接“H” 型鋼做主梁,以薄壁型鋼作檁條和圈梁,現場(chǎng)用螺栓或焊接的門(mén)式鋼架為主要結構的建筑(關(guān)于屋面及墻體在后面敘述) 。這種輕鋼建筑最大優(yōu)點(diǎn)是便于工廠(chǎng)化生產(chǎn),具有自重輕,適應性,如工業(yè)(廠(chǎng)房、倉庫) 、商業(yè)(商場(chǎng)、旅館) 及公用建筑(學(xué)校、體育館、展覽館、圖書(shū)館等) 。建設周期短,造價(jià)低也是一大亮點(diǎn)。


該產(chǎn)品于1995年從德國引進(jìn)。材料斷面呈“U” 型,類(lèi)似于槽鋼一樣的玻璃。由于其具有兩條自成的兩條肋邊,所以具有剛性好??度高。同時(shí)玻璃表面壓有細花紋,具有透光不透視的效果,安裝時(shí)兩條玻璃互相搭扣,組成類(lèi)似中空的結構,然后依次排進(jìn)框架。墻體的長(cháng)度方向上可無(wú)限展開(kāi),高度一般可達6米,整個(gè)建筑的外觀(guān)氣勢宏偉。U玻具有節能保溫、隔音的效果。常用在建筑的外墻、安裝迅捷、配套鋼材或鋁材少并具有獨特的裝飾效果,墻面不需作二次裝飾。

The construction of factory building has gone through the process from wood, clay brick to concrete structure. What are the trends today? We thought it was a combination of steel and u-glass. It is the "green building" of the 21st century.
1. Development of steel structure architecture in China
From the beginning of the 1980s to the end of the 1990s, China's big cities emerged? High rise steel structure building with steel structure. During that period, there were nearly 40 high-rise buildings, with a total area of 3.2 million square meters, steel consumption of about 300,000 tons, and a cost of about 60 billion yuan. Representative works of this period are the 421-meter jinmao tower in Shanghai and 291-meter seg tower in shenzhen. The main steel are imported A572, SM490B and other steel or plate.
Since 1996, wugang, Shanghai steel and other enterprises began to produce steel, such as thick plate, Z to the performance of steel plate, and according to foreign steel standards production supply. Dalian world trade center on the basic use of domestic steel.
At the same time, large steel structure of the plant building has been given birth to, such as baosteel, angang, wuhan iron and steel, shougang. After 2004, the steel used in steel structure buildings reached 13.5 million tons, accounting for 4.6 percent or more of the annual steel output. It is worth mentioning that the 2008 Olympic stadium construction, such as the "bird's nest", "water cube", as well as the national center for the performing arts and CCTV new building for the world attention.
We recognize this leap, but we should still face up to the current steel structure in the field and the gap between foreign countries is still large.
2. Development of foreign steel structure buildings
In general, China's steel structure with steel in terms of varieties, specifications, size, performance and other aspects, compared with foreign countries, there is a gap. Such as height, large size of h-beam and height plate (more than 50mm) also need to be imported. In particular, the proportion of steel used in steel structure in steel output has reached 30% in developed countries and 51% in the United States. What we pay more attention to is that foreign steel enterprises are chasing the new "commanding point" to develop the light steel structure as the main structure. The reasons for this development are as follows: 1. Compared with cement and concrete, steel structure is more conducive to environmental protection. 2, the steel structure technology is mature, and has supporting standards, design, construction and other software. 3. The factory production of steel structure has a considerable scale.
To sum up, we should also aim at this frontier of development and catch up.
3. Light steel structure
The so-called light steel structure refers to the construction with welded "H" section steel as the main beam, thin wall section steel as the purlin and ring beam, site bolt or welded portal steel frame as the main structure (about the roof and wall are described in the back). The biggest advantage of this kind of light steel building is that it is convenient for factory production, has light weight and adaptability, such as industrial (workshop, warehouse), commercial (shopping mall, hotel) and public buildings (school, gymnasium, exhibition hall, library, etc.). Construction cycle is short, low cost is also a highlight.
4. New wall material u-shaped glass
The product was introduced from Germany in 1995. The material has a u-shaped section similar to that of channel steel. It is rigid because it has two self-formed ribs. Degree is high. At the same time, the glass surface is pressed with a fine pattern, which has the effect of light transmission and non-perspective. When installing, the two pieces of glass are buckled together to form a hollow structure, which is then arranged into the frame in turn. The length of the wall can be infinite, the height of up to 6 meters, the overall appearance of the building magnificent. U glass has the effect of energy saving heat preservation and sound insulation. Commonly used in the construction of external walls, installation fast, matching steel or aluminum material less and has a unique decorative effect, the wall does not need to make a second decoration.




手機:139 6410 5500

銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn):139 6410 5500




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