
銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

輕鋼結構與U形玻璃的完美結合 Perfect combination of light steel structure and U - shaped glass






     尤其是荷蘭建筑設計師維爾?阿雷茲對U性玻璃有許多創(chuàng )新的設計,給人以強大的視覺(jué)沖擊。我國采用這種鋼結構與U形玻璃組合的建筑在各地也有廣泛的應用,如青島的頤中煙廠(chǎng),云南紅塔基地,鞍鋼。(參見(jiàn)圖片)


     改革開(kāi)放30年,我國的經(jīng)濟實(shí)力得到空前的提高,全國各地城鄉建設也有了飛快的發(fā)展,追求現代的,時(shí)尚的各類(lèi)建筑拔地而起,采用鋼結構的建筑也應運而生,吸引國外輕鋼結構廠(chǎng)商如Butler,BHP,ABC等紛紛進(jìn)入中國市場(chǎng),無(wú)疑也刺激了我國企業(yè)奮起直追,相信我國的鋼結構廠(chǎng)商會(huì )抓住這個(gè)大好機會(huì )同我們一起合作,設計一批輕鋼結構與U形玻璃相結合的優(yōu)秀建筑。

In recent years, buildings with light steel structure and u-shaped glass as external walls have been widely used in factories, logistics warehouses, exhibition halls, hangars and other buildings at home and abroad.
The so-called light steel structure is to thin wall section steel, such as: "C" section steel, "Z" section steel, square pipe steel as the building purlin and ring beam, to welding "H" section steel column and beam, the site with bolts or welding of the door steel frame structure of the building, at the same time using u-shaped glass as a building envelope material.
The whole building has light weight, short construction period and strong adaptability. Due to its light weight, it naturally reduces the basic cost. At the same time, it has the characteristics of thick and stable appearance, beautiful and transparent, so it also reduces the cost of architectural lighting.
U-shaped glass is a product introduced from abroad in the 1990s. Its section is u-shaped, and it has good rigidity and strength. Glass rod with certain width can be easily and flexibly buckled into the frame of steel structure to form a hollow heat preservation transparent wall.
In the Dusseldorf railway station in Germany, the three-dimensional parking garage in cologne, due to its unique shape, coupled with u-shaped glass to expand the space, has a particularly fresh feeling.
In particular, the Dutch architect will l. Arrez has many innovative designs for U glass, which gives people a strong visual impact. China's use of this steel structure and u-shaped glass combination of the building has been widely used in various places, such as the Summer Palace in Qingdao tobacco factory, yunnan hongta base, angang. (see picture)
These buildings are the embodiment of wisdom and give people a kind of aesthetic enjoyment.
30 years of reform and opening-up, our country's economic strength get an unprecedented increase, urban and rural construction throughout the country has a fast development, the pursuit of modern, fashionable all kinds of buildings, the steel structure of the building also arises at the historic moment, attract the foreign manufacturers such as Butler, light steel structure, BHP, ABC, etc to enter the Chinese market in succession, there is no doubt also stimulated the catching up, China's enterprises believe that China's steel structure vendors will seize this chance to cooperation with us, design of a batch of light steel structure combined with a u-shaped glass buildings.




手機:139 6410 5500

銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn):139 6410 5500




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