
銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

葡萄牙阿布蘭特什市場(chǎng) The Portuguese market of abramlanche

    如果不是非要取一個(gè)規范性的標題,那么我一定不會(huì )讓你猜出這座建筑的性質(zhì)。是的,它是一個(gè)市場(chǎng),不是美術(shù)館,不是別墅,它就是一處市場(chǎng)——Abrantes Municipal Market。該地區正處在一個(gè)新舊城市過(guò)度的時(shí)期,原址曾是Rodoviária do Tejo的工作間,由于年久失修毀壞的不成樣子,所以當地決定拆除改建一座城市級別的市場(chǎng)?

    地塊處在兩條街道的中間位置,街道分別有著(zhù)不同的高差,以至于建筑至于不同的街道高度相差了一層。建筑對兩條街道起到了相當重要的聯(lián)系作用,因此建筑中設計一條能夠連接兩側街道,到達后面伊比利亞考古與藝術(shù)博物館(Iberian Museum of Archeology and Art)的通路就顯得非常必要了。據說(shuō)該博物館建將要建在S. Domingos修道院,有著(zhù)最高的城市建筑等級。


     所以我們看到,建筑臨街兩側都有進(jìn)入建筑的入口同時(shí)還有一條連接兩側街道的通到入口,建筑內部一角設有一部樓梯,這一側做了三層 挑空空間,屋頂的天光充分地篩入內部,非常明亮。整座建筑由外而內的白,內部空間像被攪動(dòng)的冰激凌般純粹??吹竭@里依然沒(méi)有看出傳統市場(chǎng)熱鬧雜亂的市井特點(diǎn),反倒覺(jué)得像是一座由博物館改成的臨時(shí)市場(chǎng)??

If it weren't for a prescriptive title, I wouldn't let you guess the nature of the building. Yes, it's a Market. It's not an art gallery, it's not a villa, it's just a Market -- Abrantes Municipal Market. The area is in a period of transition between the old and new cities. The original site was the workshop of Rodoviaria do Tejo. Due to the disrepair and disrepair, the local government decided to demolish and rebuild a city-level market
The plot is located in the middle of two streets, which have different height differences, so that the building has one floor difference in the height of different streets. The building has played an important role in connecting the two streets, so it was necessary to design a route connecting the two streets to the Iberian Museum of Archeology and Art at the back. It is said that the museum will be built in s. Domingos monastery, which has the highest grade of urban architecture.
So we can see that there are entrances to the building on both sides of the street, and there is also an entrance to the street on both sides. There is a staircase in the corner of the building, and there is three floors of overhanging space on this side. The sky light of the roof is fully sifted into the inside, which is very bright. The building is white from the outside in, and the interior space is pure as stirred ice cream. You still don't see the lively and disorderly market features of the traditional market. Instead, it seems like a temporary market transformed from a museum..




手機:139 6410 5500

銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn):139 6410 5500




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