
銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

西班牙Besora學(xué)校 Besora school in Spain


                建筑師:NAM Arquitectura

                地點(diǎn): Carrer Fuster Valldeperes, 7, 43204 Reus, Tarragona, Spain

                投資: 4024.0 sqm

                時(shí)間: 2012

                攝影: José Hevia


      內部,使用白色中密度纖維板,試圖以簡(jiǎn)化和盡量減少任何視覺(jué)污染,所有的注意力專(zhuān)注于創(chuàng )造一個(gè)明亮的和中性的環(huán)境。在相同的灰色調的圖形系統代碼指示外籍教師和學(xué)生不同的教室和市中心的空間。

The entire building is made of concrete and wooden slabs. Once this simple and basic structure is proposed, the construction is completed using glass for various sizes and finishes, the shell and dark grey, allowing access to the vertical steel structure and the control of light in the classroom and other Spaces.
Architect: NAM Arquitectura
Where: Carrer Fuster, Valldeperes, 7, 43204 Reus, Tarragona, Spain
Investment: 4024.0 SQM
Time: 2012
Photography is by Jose Hevia
The entire building is made of concrete and wooden slabs. Once this simple and basic structure is proposed, the construction is completed using glass for various sizes and finishes, the shell and dark grey, allowing access to the vertical steel structure and the control of light in the classroom and other Spaces.
Internally, white MDF was used to try to simplify and minimise any visual pollution, with all attention focused on creating a bright and neutral environment. The same grey-toned graphic system code instructs foreign teachers and students in different classrooms and downtown Spaces.




手機:139 6410 5500

銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn):139 6410 5500




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