
銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

U型玻璃 U-Profile-Glass

產(chǎn)品規格:60-7 41-6


產(chǎn)品類(lèi)型:普通 鋼化

產(chǎn)品顏色:白色 綠色





      布紋U型玻璃是很細刻網(wǎng)狀模式創(chuàng )造柔和的墻體,柔軟的隱私的圖像影象。U型玻璃(U-Profile-Glass)亦稱(chēng)槽型玻璃,是一種新穎的建筑型材玻璃,國外有近40年的生產(chǎn)應用歷史。因截面呈U型,使之比普通平板玻璃有較高的機械強度并具有理想的透光性、較好的隔音性、保溫隔熱性、能節省大量金屬材料、以及施工簡(jiǎn)便等優(yōu)點(diǎn),適用于建筑的內外墻、隔墻、屋面及窗等。

      布紋U型玻璃是很細刻網(wǎng)狀模式創(chuàng )造柔和的墻體,柔軟的隱私的圖像影象。U型玻璃是一種應用于建筑最廣大異形玻璃,由于其截面呈U型,提高玻璃的受力,使它比平板玻璃有較高的機械強度,安裝跨度大,能節省大量的型材。


      世界上最早生產(chǎn)U型玻璃的國家之一是奧地利,該國的Moosbrunner Glasfubrik公司從1957年開(kāi)始生產(chǎn)底寬為262mm的U型玻璃,在此前后,比利時(shí)的Glaverbel公司、法國的Saint-Gobuin公司和Boussois公司、英國的皮爾金頓公司、原聯(lián)邦德國的BauglassindustrieAG公司、美國的LOF公司和AFG公司、加拿大PPG工業(yè)公司和日本板硝子也先后建起了U型玻璃生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)。


      前民主德國以及羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、南斯拉夫、葡萄牙等國的U型玻璃生產(chǎn),也大多始于60年代后期。阿爾及利亞奧蘭玻璃公司一窯雙線(xiàn)的U型玻璃于1992年年底投產(chǎn),開(kāi)創(chuàng )了非洲U型玻璃生產(chǎn)之先河。

Product specification: 60-7 41-6
Product model: P260
Product type: ordinary steel
Product color: white and green
Date of manufacture: September, 2015
Product qualification: qualified through inspection
Product inventory: consult manufacturer
Product price: negotiate with the manufacturer

Cloth U shaped glass is very fine carved mesh pattern to create soft walls, soft privacy of the image image. U-profiled Glass, also known as slotted Glass, is a kind of novel architectural Profile Glass with nearly 40 years of production and application history abroad. Due to the u-shaped section, it has higher mechanical strength than ordinary flat glass and has the advantages of ideal light transmission, better sound insulation, heat insulation, can save a lot of metal materials, and simple construction, etc. It is suitable for the internal and external walls, partitions, roofing and Windows of buildings.
Cloth U shaped glass is very fine carved mesh pattern to create soft walls, soft privacy of the image image. U-shaped glass is one of the most widely used shaped glass in buildings. Because its section is u-shaped, it can improve the stress of glass, so that it has a higher mechanical strength than flat glass. The installation span is large, which can save a lot of shaped materials.
U-profiled Glass, also known as slotted Glass, is a kind of novel architectural Profile Glass with nearly 40 years of production and application history abroad. Due to the u-shaped section, it has higher mechanical strength than ordinary flat glass and has the advantages of ideal light transmission, better sound insulation, heat insulation, can save a lot of metal materials, and simple construction, etc. It is suitable for the internal and external walls, partitions, roofing and Windows of buildings.
One of the first countries in the world to produce u-shaped glass was Austria, where Moosbrunner Glasfubrik started producing u-shaped glass with a base width of 262mm in 1957. Glaverbel company of Belgium, saint-gobuin company and Boussois company of France, pilkington company of Britain, BauglassindustrieAG company of the former federal republic of Germany, LOF company and AFG company of the United States, PPG industry company of Canada and Japan plate glass have also set up u-shaped glass production lines.
In 1965, the first u-shaped glass production line of the Russian federation was put into production in polsk glass factory, with an annual output of 30,000 m2. Subsequently, in Bauer glass factory, red may glass factory, chernyagin glass factory, gushev glass factory, mosley asbestos insulation material joint company and 11 other enterprises have set up more than 10 u-shaped glass production lines, by 1975, the former Soviet union's u-shaped glass production has reached 4 million m2.
U-shaped glass production in the former democratic Germany, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Portugal and other countries also began in the late 1960s. Algeria olam glass company one kiln double line U type glass was put into production at the end of 1992, which started the first U type glass production in Africa.

上一個(gè):沒(méi)有了! 下一個(gè):工藝玻璃



手機:139 6410 5500

銷(xiāo)售熱線(xiàn):139 6410 5500




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